Woman who had a Botox treatment

The Benefits of Botox: Achieve a More Radiant You

As we age, our skin loses its natural elasticity and becomes more prone to wrinkles and fine lines. While aging is a natural process that we cannot stop, we can certainly slow down its visible signs. Botox is one of the most effective treatments for reducing wrinkles and fine lines. At mySKIN, we understand that…


The Best Acne Treatment

Acne has been an ongoing concern through the years. There are a few lucky ones who have not experience acne problems. It does not only happen during puberty or teenage but it may also show in adult stage. Acne is considered as more serious than pimples since it is deeper than the usual pimples that…

Body Whitening

Body Peel and Body Whitening Treatments

Skin whitening treatment has been a standout amongst the the medical procedure which has been done for decades. Especially in our country, skin whitening has become the norm since most of us have dark-skinned or brownish skin tone. There are different skin whitening procedure that has been developed over the years. Some of these are…

Botox Cosmetic Treatment - Best Botox Filler Treatment in Pampanga

Beautification @ mySKIN

By Marge Paraz Santos What is real beauty? Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction–as defined in the worldwideweb. Personally, beauty must be more than skin-deep but it also includes the skin. It may not be the focus of being beautiful…